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Online Academic Procedures

State Authorization of Courses and Programs

OPE电子竞技官网 is an approved member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). States currently authorized to offer online programs and degrees as approved for reciprocity through the National Council and/or by state authorization are listed on the NC-SARA website. If you have questions regarding state authorization, contact Academic Affairs at 531-OPE电子竞技官网-2645.


Students should be aware that OPE电子竞技官网's professional licensure programs are designed to prepare them for a license in the state of Nebraska. Students understand that if they plan to practice their intended profession in a state outside of Nebraska, they may or may not have additional requirements that must be completed prior to applying for their license. Please contact the dean or program director of the program you wish to enroll to determine if you will need to satisfy additional requirements for licensure outside the state of Nebraska. 

I. Metropolitan Community College Complaint Procedures

Academic Complaints:

Appeal of a final course grade follows the Grade Appeal process found in the College Catalog. If the complaint concerns an instructor or program, contact the academic dean of the area in question.

Non-academic complaints:

The complaint should be brought to the attention of a staff member in the relevant College office. If there is no resolution, contact the staff member’s supervisor. If the student is still unsatisfied, contact the administrator in charge of the office. For more details, visit our Complaints and Appeals page


Complaints of discrimination follow the process in College Procedures Memorandum, V3. Harassment, including sexual harassment and complaints of any form of harassment follow the process in College Procedures Memorandum, V2.

II. Complaint Procedures for out-of-state students 

Students are encouraged to use the process stated in number I above, before contacting the state. If out-of-state students want to contact the state of Nebraska regarding an online class, use the process noted here.

Complaints to the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education regarding Nebraska degree-granting postsecondary institutions participating in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) may be filed through the online complaint form through CCPE.

Please note that the first step in resolving complaints is to attempt to resolve the matter directly with the involved institution under established institution complaint or grievance procedures. Generally, a person who contacts the CCPE office regarding complaints about Nebraska institutions participating in SARA will be referred to college or university officials. In the event that the institutional processes do not result in a successful resolution of a SARA complaint, CCPE is responsible for resolution of any such complaints originating at any SARA participant institution, public or private.

Questions regarding SARA activities in Nebraska can be directed to:

Kathleen L. Fimple, Ph.D.
academic programs officer
Nebraska’s Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
P.O. Box 95005
Lincoln, NE 68509-5005

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